In this Epistle, Peter describes and exposes false teachers.
He says that they will speak evil of opinions differing from their own, speak
persuasively and dishonestly, deny Christ, and speak with vanity and praise for
themselves and their own beliefs. He also explains that false teachers will
deny Christ and criticize His teachings, that they will despise morality, and
praise lust and adultery. False teachers will be characteristically presumptuous,
lustful, self-willed, unstable, fleeting, and prideful.
Peter’s warning helps me identify false teachers and
teachings today. The world is filled with thousands of contradictory opinions,
and every day I must decide what to believe. . Movies, television, and the
internet all try to persuade us to accept social norms and popular beliefs.
Perhaps the media is more subtle and dangerously persuasive than the false
teachers of old. But if I look closely, I can recognize that the happiness they
portray is temporary because it does not coincide with the truths of the Gospel.
If I compare the teachings and opinions I hear in the world with Christ’s teachings,
I will know if they preach truth or falsehoods.
Peter warned the saints against turning again to sin after
they had received the light. If we keep sinning after we have learned the truth
and been forgiven of that sin, it will be harder for us to overcome it. Once we
turn away from the light, the darkness we feel from sin will be darker than
before, and we will feel as if we are a dog “turned to his own vomit again” (2
Pet. 2:22). Doctrine and Covenants 82:3
teaches that the more knowledge we have, the more accountable we become. When
we know more and understand the consequences we have because of our sins, we
have a deep responsibility to our knowledge. Our consequences become more
significant and severe when we disregard truth and act against it. Doctrine and
Covenants 82:8 teaches that once we sin, more sin will come. Sin opens our
heart to Satan, and we become more susceptible to additional sin.
The safest way to avoid the darkness of sin is to abide by
Christ’s teachings and look for false teachers.
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