Saturday, May 4, 2013

Paul's First Mission - Acts 13-14

Today’s post comes in 5 parts:

Part 1. Where Did Paul Preach?
Paul began his mission in the city of Seleucia. He also taught in the cities of Antioch, Salamis, Iconium, and Derbe.

Part 2. Advice for Missionaries
Three things that will help all discouraged missionaries: Fasting, Praying, Preaching by the Holy Ghost.

Part 3. Who is Barnabas?
Barnabas was a man of exceedingly strong faith. Although he wasn’t one of the original twelve apostles, he served as an apostle and as Paul’s first mission companion. He worked extremely hard for himself, and obeyed the commandments with much service to those in the church. His commanding personality and large stature earned him the name Jupiter, after the most powerful Roman God. Because he was led much by the Holy Ghost, he was a blessing to Paul in their mission service. They counseled often together, and taught many more than if they had served individually. Their combined faith and support kept them successful and close to God.

Part 4. A Miracle
Paul and Barnabas performed a miracle in Lystra. They healed a man who was born crippled from his mother’s womb. Paul and Barnabas commanded him to stand and walk according to the man’s faith. When the people saw the man walking, they claimed that Paul and Barnabas were human manifestations of Roman Gods. The people prepared to make sacrifices to them, but they preached to the people and explained that they should not worship them, but the true and living God, Heavenly Father. They did not take credit for the miracle they performed, but to God, who gave them the power of the Holy Priesthood.

Part 5. “Through Much Tribulation”
In contrast to the vast praise and worship Paul and Barnabas received by the people in Lystra, the Jews from Antioch and Iconium stoned Paul. He was nearly dead, but rose up and with Barnabas to continue preaching elsewhere. His tremendous faith reflects the counsel he gives in Acts 14:22, that we must “through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” Paul understood that his suffering and his trials would prepare him to be worthy of God’s kingdom. He taught that our faith will strengthen us to endure our struggles. All members of the church, especially missionaries, can learn from Paul and Barnabas’ examples and continue their work in Faith, no matter what trials they face.

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